Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rush Babe Liam Derides California

    I been posting one of Rush's recent rants about California to some of our local Rush sponsors around the Bay Area. The transcript for the newest one is here:

    According to the article, Moonbeam Brown has scuttled California's entrepreneurship with Prop 30. I recall vaguely that Rush did admit that Prop 30 was an education bill, but it was disguised somehow. Most of the audience probably didn't hear that. What they did hear was another one of Rush's efforts to seed discourse among Americans, this time between California costal and valley people. It's just another way Rush can monger hate.

    Now I don't understand why an advertiser would pick a radio show host that derides the state that they operate from. But I usually get the the same old "chose our stations to reach the broadest demographics" or "we buy remnant bulk radio buys and do not have control of where the ads fall" and other such excuses. Usually I get no dialog at all. Can you imagine running a business and not really knowing where your ad is? It's incompetence. Most of these remaining companies spend money on radio ads but have no free Facebook presence. It's dinosaur brains.

    I posted this transcript and my concerns on the now almost inactive Rush Babes for America Facebook page. This page was suppose to be the rebuttal for the Sandra Fluke controversy. And it was for a short while. While the page Likes was over 70,000 almost overnight, the Rush trolls would brag on the NOW Facebook page about their new Rush surge. Take that you ERA FemiNazis. But it turns out that the Likes were bought by a Facebook mill in India or Pakistan and the young sexy hot Rush Babes turned out to be older male Muslims. And now, after the election, there are only about 100 or so people talking on Rush Babes.

    Good people though on Rush Babes. After the initial insults that I endure to open conversation with these Babes I can usually have a good talk with some of the more articulate ones. It is the first conservative page I have had such conversations and I think it is because of women, where most conservative pages are overwhelmingly male.

    One male they should probably get rid of is this hater who uses the moniker Liam Ferguson. This is the more typical conservative liberal slayer that uses a barrage of personal attacks and invectives. I have learned, when dealing with these bozos, is to never return fire. First, they will use your attack in their defense. Who started first matters not to these bigots. And these bigots also have their own vocabulary of what is acceptable and what is not. It doesn't pay to play that game. Always keep the high ground.

    I also ran into the tactic of deletion in order to make your words unprovoked. It's something you can avoid by making fairly lengthy statements. Make your satire is really clear. Liam also tried to bait me by putting words into my mouth. Don't repeat anything like that. Did you say ____? No, sorry Liam, I would never say anything like that.
    California will do just fine with its new school fund, its democratic supermajority, and its super governor Jerry Brown. We don't need bigots like Rush Limbaugh or Liam Ferguson to deride what our potential is. 

  • Liam Fergerson 
  • I can't wait to see CA implode. What's that train to nowhere going to cost, the new one that no one will be riding--$300 billion? And how far in the hole are CA taxpayers to the teacher unions--$400 billion about now? Assuming there are any taxpayers left in CA in three years.
  • I hope the Hollywood elite get soaked. They're all worth millions, and it's really about time those liberals paid in cash for once instead of lip service. I want Michael Moore's silly baseball cap off his head and in his hand, him spare-changing on the corner of Hollywood and Rodeo.
  • I hope those one-percenters can't sell their gazillion dollar mansions, and have to turn them over to the counties in lieu of taxes.
  • And finally, I hope no other state allows anyone from CA to settle there. If CA liberals can't handle the 'Utopia' they create, and feel the need to move from the clutches of it, I hope the only place that takes them in is Pyongyang.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Dec 4 2012

Rush trying something new today. A bunch of shock stories in the first hour followed by a bit of sarcasm that I think would go over the heads of most dittoheads. Later he returned to his old self with a salvo of Obama attacks. Seems as if Obama and the Dems were able to get people to hate Republicans. Really? Don't you love it when the King Hate Monger himself accuses other people of hating. One thing is certain. Rush knows hate.

These are the sponsors of today's show. I recommend all you Rush Limbaugh supporters out there to buy these products and services because when you find out what crap they are, you will just have to eat it, cause they have little or no Facebook interaction or other means for you to complain.

 Advance Male Medical Center
 Barracuda Networks
 Cache Creek
 Check Into Cash
 Crestline Funding
 Dale Carnegie Training
 Farmers Insurance
 Freedom Works
 Goldworth Financial
 Greenlight Financial
 Home and Loan Finders
 Lenox Financial
 Les Scwab Tire
 Ox Bonding
 Schedule Some Help
 Sweet Jack
 T Mobile
 Total Transformation
 Two if by Tea