Sunday, April 22, 2012

To Jessica Derryberry
Re National Organization of Women Facebook

Hey Jessica Derryberry, ok to have a fake name, I don't really get your issue with NOW. I'm not sure NOW has an issue with staying at home and being a supported mom. Maybe your posts refer to that issue but there was some security issue when I tried to click on your facebook link. That has got to be the longest link that I have ever seen, very suspicious. Do you believe in bitly. Anyway, Jessica Derryberry, is there any NOW document saying they are definitively against stay-at-home-moms. It always seemed to me that NOW stood for equal opportunity if a women did decide to enter the corporate world. And, I suppose they encourage that decision, to going corporate, as being gutsy, which is totally true, especially, during the early 70's, where were you then, very gutsy indeed, with slim chances for success, but definitively gutsy, and worthy of praise, but not necessarily resulting in the disrespect of those women who did not take the challenge, I just don't see that. For example Sports Illustrated exemplifies various Decathlon athletes but I don't think they disrespect me, that I am barely a jogger and don't try to do much more. I mean, Jessica Derryberry, where does NOW state that they are vehemently against stay-at-home moms or stay-at-home-dads or against any kind of lifestyle, except for the dubious employment of spreading hate talk on public airways, not satellite or cable media, but public airways, on the same cheap radios that our kids use to listen to the local ball game and that we rely on to get traffic updates on the way to get our kids from the soccer games. Yuck. We have to listen to Rush about how he hates President Obama, or about the prostitutes in Columbia, or the contraceptives of Sandra Fluke, or how we wants to watch her have sex. There are edited videos on Youtube on how he went on and on and on about Sandra Fluke for days, for days, for days. Bill Maher doesn't even compare, with his one liners about Palin's boobs, or whatever you have against this comedian, doesn't compare to the un-proclaimed leader of the Republican party. Gag. So Jessica Derryberry, even if you could compare Rush Limbaugh to some other atrocity on the Left, there is no-two-wrongs-do-not-make-a-right exception here. Rush Limbaugh is bad, bad, bad, and any comparison to something bad on the left doesn't make him less bad. That is why Media Matters, Daily Kos, Join the fight to Flush Rush, and moi, google "Knot Limbaugh" are against this guy, and petition sponsors to evaluate if they really want their product or establishment associated to someone so politically charged, dubious of character and lacking in morale compass, to warrant their advertising dollars. What do you say to that, Jessica Derryberry?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

 Rush Limbaugh on KKSF Newstalk910 Oakland 4/16-4/18
 Up-to-date info at
 Keywords: No Boycott Rush Limbaugh Sponsors Sandra Fluke Hate Speech
           No Boycott Rush Limbaugh Advertisers Knot Limbaugh Blog
*Indicates a San Francisco/Oakland area local advertiser

 Sponsor, Phone, Internet, Product
*AccessBanc Mortgage, 888-666-6280,, home loans
 Angie's List, 317-446-5420,, reviews
 Amberen, 800-339-0095,, weight loss
*Bay City Fresh Start, 888-510-7500,, auto loans
 Budget Blinds, 800-971-6899,, blinds
*Cache Creek, 888-772-2243,, casino
 Cash Call, 866-590-2274,, home mortgage
 Dale Carnegie Training, 415-394-3253,, sales education
 Generation America, 800-628-3420,, AARP alternative
 Grasshopper Mowers, 620-345-8621,, rider mowers
 Hillsdale College, ,, Constitution 101
 Hoovers Business, 800-226-0027,, zadulfy lists
 Farmers Insurance, 855-287-2149,, insurance
 Fram, 800-890-2075,, car filters
 iHeartRadio, ,, internet radio
*Income At Home, ,, home retail
 Insperity, 800-465-3800,, business consulting
 Lear Capital, 800-957-4653,, gold
 LifeLock, 800-440-4833,, identity theft
 Mag-Ox, 800-633-9353,, MG supplement
*Mercedes Benz, 800-639-2369,, autos
 Quietus,800-713-3420,, tinnitus
 National University, 800-628-8648,, college
 Reagan dot com, ,, secure email
 Regus, 800-633-4237,, virtual office
 Robert L. Steinberg, 888-891-2200,, law Texas
*Steve Moskowitz, 888-829-3325,, tax law
 Tax Resolution Services, ,, tax problems
 Term Busters, 800-862-8376,, insurance
 Walker Lake, 866-638-5253, , homes

Monday, April 16, 2012

I am writing here on my blog because I have been blocked by the Grasshopper Mower Facebook page. My issue with them is not their manufacturing, which is top notch and all made in America. My issue is they sponsor the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Whether you agree with Rush Limbaugh politics or not is not important. Whether you agree or disagree with Sandra Fluke is not important. What is important is that we encourage civil speech in America. Just today, April 16, Rush Limbaugh's main topic was the controversy of the Secret Service and their "escorts" in Columbia. I don't want to write the words that Rush Limbaugh used because children might read this. Let me just say that it was inappropriate language for school hour public airways. Instead of turning off the radio and ignoring the influence Rush Limbaugh may have on our children I am contacting the advertisers of the show and asking them to support someone else. Please facebook, email, call or write Grasshopper Mower to say the same.

Monday, April 9, 2012

New updates to the sponsor list on the website  Hey, only five local ads on Monday  April 9th, BayCity Fresh Start, Cache Creek, Five Star Windows, Repipe Specialists, and Steve Moskowitz Esq. We do live in a progressive community!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cache Creek Casino

Dear Mr. Holmes,

I don't know if you have any say over the radio advertisement of Cache Creek, but if you do, let be the first to invite you to support our efforts to clean the radio airways of ugly hate talk. I am talking specifically of the Rush Limbaugh Show. The content of this show is offensive to many average Americans as witnessed by the exodus of more than fifty national advertisers over the controversial sexist remarks made against Sandra Fluke. Not all Americans are aware of these remarks, but those that do, do not think kindly of Mr. Limbaugh or his sponsors. You may believe that Rush Limbaugh has a right to say what he says, but I ask you, why associate your establishment with his kind of hate talk? I invite you to call Clear Channel to see if there are worthy alternatives to Rush Limbaugh.

Also, if you would kindly return an answer to this query I would be very much obliged. It would save me, and ultimately your colleagues, a great deal of time, even if your decision is not in our favor.

Thank you for your consideration,

Knot Limbaugh