Re National Organization of Women Facebook
Hey Jessica Derryberry, ok to have a fake name, I don't really get your issue with NOW. I'm not sure NOW has an issue with staying at home and being a supported mom. Maybe your posts refer to that issue but there was some security issue when I tried to click on your facebook link. That has got to be the longest link that I have ever seen, very suspicious. Do you believe in bitly. Anyway, Jessica Derryberry, is there any NOW document saying they are definitively against stay-at-home-moms. It always seemed to me that NOW stood for equal opportunity if a women did decide to enter the corporate world. And, I suppose they encourage that decision, to going corporate, as being gutsy, which is totally true, especially, during the early 70's, where were you then, very gutsy indeed, with slim chances for success, but definitively gutsy, and worthy of praise, but not necessarily resulting in the disrespect of those women who did not take the challenge, I just don't see that. For example Sports Illustrated exemplifies various Decathlon athletes but I don't think they disrespect me, that I am barely a jogger and don't try to do much more. I mean, Jessica Derryberry, where does NOW state that they are vehemently against stay-at-home moms or stay-at-home-dads or against any kind of lifestyle, except for the dubious employment of spreading hate talk on public airways, not satellite or cable media, but public airways, on the same cheap radios that our kids use to listen to the local ball game and that we rely on to get traffic updates on the way to get our kids from the soccer games. Yuck. We have to listen to Rush about how he hates President Obama, or about the prostitutes in Columbia, or the contraceptives of Sandra Fluke, or how we wants to watch her have sex. There are edited videos on Youtube on how he went on and on and on about Sandra Fluke for days, for days, for days. Bill Maher doesn't even compare, with his one liners about Palin's boobs, or whatever you have against this comedian, doesn't compare to the un-proclaimed leader of the Republican party. Gag. So Jessica Derryberry, even if you could compare Rush Limbaugh to some other atrocity on the Left, there is no-two-wrongs-do-not-make-