Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rush Babe Liam Derides California

    I been posting one of Rush's recent rants about California to some of our local Rush sponsors around the Bay Area. The transcript for the newest one is here:

    According to the article, Moonbeam Brown has scuttled California's entrepreneurship with Prop 30. I recall vaguely that Rush did admit that Prop 30 was an education bill, but it was disguised somehow. Most of the audience probably didn't hear that. What they did hear was another one of Rush's efforts to seed discourse among Americans, this time between California costal and valley people. It's just another way Rush can monger hate.

    Now I don't understand why an advertiser would pick a radio show host that derides the state that they operate from. But I usually get the the same old "chose our stations to reach the broadest demographics" or "we buy remnant bulk radio buys and do not have control of where the ads fall" and other such excuses. Usually I get no dialog at all. Can you imagine running a business and not really knowing where your ad is? It's incompetence. Most of these remaining companies spend money on radio ads but have no free Facebook presence. It's dinosaur brains.

    I posted this transcript and my concerns on the now almost inactive Rush Babes for America Facebook page. This page was suppose to be the rebuttal for the Sandra Fluke controversy. And it was for a short while. While the page Likes was over 70,000 almost overnight, the Rush trolls would brag on the NOW Facebook page about their new Rush surge. Take that you ERA FemiNazis. But it turns out that the Likes were bought by a Facebook mill in India or Pakistan and the young sexy hot Rush Babes turned out to be older male Muslims. And now, after the election, there are only about 100 or so people talking on Rush Babes.

    Good people though on Rush Babes. After the initial insults that I endure to open conversation with these Babes I can usually have a good talk with some of the more articulate ones. It is the first conservative page I have had such conversations and I think it is because of women, where most conservative pages are overwhelmingly male.

    One male they should probably get rid of is this hater who uses the moniker Liam Ferguson. This is the more typical conservative liberal slayer that uses a barrage of personal attacks and invectives. I have learned, when dealing with these bozos, is to never return fire. First, they will use your attack in their defense. Who started first matters not to these bigots. And these bigots also have their own vocabulary of what is acceptable and what is not. It doesn't pay to play that game. Always keep the high ground.

    I also ran into the tactic of deletion in order to make your words unprovoked. It's something you can avoid by making fairly lengthy statements. Make your satire is really clear. Liam also tried to bait me by putting words into my mouth. Don't repeat anything like that. Did you say ____? No, sorry Liam, I would never say anything like that.
    California will do just fine with its new school fund, its democratic supermajority, and its super governor Jerry Brown. We don't need bigots like Rush Limbaugh or Liam Ferguson to deride what our potential is. 

  • Liam Fergerson 
  • I can't wait to see CA implode. What's that train to nowhere going to cost, the new one that no one will be riding--$300 billion? And how far in the hole are CA taxpayers to the teacher unions--$400 billion about now? Assuming there are any taxpayers left in CA in three years.
  • I hope the Hollywood elite get soaked. They're all worth millions, and it's really about time those liberals paid in cash for once instead of lip service. I want Michael Moore's silly baseball cap off his head and in his hand, him spare-changing on the corner of Hollywood and Rodeo.
  • I hope those one-percenters can't sell their gazillion dollar mansions, and have to turn them over to the counties in lieu of taxes.
  • And finally, I hope no other state allows anyone from CA to settle there. If CA liberals can't handle the 'Utopia' they create, and feel the need to move from the clutches of it, I hope the only place that takes them in is Pyongyang.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Dec 4 2012

Rush trying something new today. A bunch of shock stories in the first hour followed by a bit of sarcasm that I think would go over the heads of most dittoheads. Later he returned to his old self with a salvo of Obama attacks. Seems as if Obama and the Dems were able to get people to hate Republicans. Really? Don't you love it when the King Hate Monger himself accuses other people of hating. One thing is certain. Rush knows hate.

These are the sponsors of today's show. I recommend all you Rush Limbaugh supporters out there to buy these products and services because when you find out what crap they are, you will just have to eat it, cause they have little or no Facebook interaction or other means for you to complain.

 Advance Male Medical Center
 Barracuda Networks
 Cache Creek
 Check Into Cash
 Crestline Funding
 Dale Carnegie Training
 Farmers Insurance
 Freedom Works
 Goldworth Financial
 Greenlight Financial
 Home and Loan Finders
 Lenox Financial
 Les Scwab Tire
 Ox Bonding
 Schedule Some Help
 Sweet Jack
 T Mobile
 Total Transformation
 Two if by Tea

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rush Advertiser’s for Nov. 29 2012 on KKSF Oakland

Rush Advertiser’s for Nov. 29 2012 on KKSF Oakland

 Advance Male Medical Center
 Blinds Dot Com
 BMW Bay Area
 Check Into Cash
 Crestline Funding
 Farmers Insurance
 Goldworth Financial
 Greenlight Financial
 Home and Loan Finders
 HomeTown Buffet
 Lear Capital
 Lenox Financial
 Les Scwab Tire
 Mercedes Benz
 Newpane Milguard Windows
 Ox Credit
 Pat Vitucchi
 Salvation Army
 Sweet Jack
 Viagra (Int. Drug Mart)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rush Limbaugh KKSF Oakland ads 11/26/2012

Rush Limbaugh KKSF Oakland ads 11/26/2012

 Limbaugh Sponsor
 49er's Inside
 Advance Male Medical Center
 Armstrong and Getty
 Blinds Dot Com
 Crestline Funding
 Dale Carnegie Training
 Dun and Bradstreet Credibility
 Farmers Insurance
 Gil Gross
 Greenlight Financial
 Home and Loan Finders
 Keep Your Home California
 Lear Capital
 Len Tillem 
 Lenox Financial
 Les Scwab Tire
 Mercedes Benz
 New Vitality  Beta Prostrate
 Ox Bonding
 Pat Vitucchi
 Power Swab Dental Whiteners
 San Francisco Zoo
 Sweet Jack
 Tax Resolution Services
 Total Transformation
 Viagra (no company name)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rush Sponsors of November 20 2012

These are the Rush Limbaugh sponsors for November 20 2012 as heard on KKSF Newstalk910 Oakland. I am not to sure on the ThirdTerm3 entry. It's new and I haven't looked it up on Google. Cal Bears is advertising volleyball. Snore Break is new. ADT is relatively new. Angie's List has, for now, stopped ads on Rush. The underline Fs are links to their Facebook page. Tell them how you feel.

1-800-DONATECARS          F
 Advance Male Medical Center
 Amberen          F
 Blinds Dot Com          F
 Cal Bears          F
 Crestline Funding
 Farmers Insurance          
 Financial Safari          
 Income At Home          
 KTVU TV FOX 2          
 Lear Capital          
 Lenox Financial          
 Les Scwab         F
 Martinelli's         F          
 Ox Bonding          
 Pacific West Capitol Group          
 Pat Vitucchi          F          
 Planet Orange          
 Schedule Some Help          
 Snore Break            
 Sweet Jack          
 Total Transformation          

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Sponsors KKSF Oakland 11/16/2012

Sponsors heard on KKSF Oakland 11/16/2012

I was especially annoyed today when Rush compared California Liberalism to Cuba. Good Grief.

We got notice that Angie's List may not return to Rush.

 Advance Male Medical Center
 Airborne Hot Smoothing Mix
 Best of Investing
 Blinds Dot Com
 Check Into Cash
 Constant Contact
 Crestline Funding
 Drive for COPD
 Farmers Insurance
 Freedom Works
 Goldworth Financial
 Hillsdale College
 Income At Home
 KTVU Fox channel 2
 Legal Zoom
 Len Tillem 
 Mercedes Benz
 National University
 O'Donnell Financial Group
 United Health Care
 Ox Bonding
 Pacific West Capitol Group
 Proficio PMV
 Schedule Some Help
 Sweet Jack
 Tax Resolution Services

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Sponsors KKSF 910 Oakland 11/8/2012

Today on Rush, Hispanics characterized as lazy and voting for the Obama "Santa Clause". What a bigot. And of course the Republicans should have no problem with Hispanic voters because of their token Mia Love and Mark Rubio at the RNC. Below are his sponsors today:

1-800-256-1300 Intelliloan
Advance Male Medical Center
Blinds Dot Com
Business Breakthroughs
Cache Creek
Dr. Panagotacos
Dun and Bradstreet Credibility
Fox channel 2
Goldworth Financial
Hillsdale College
Home and Loan Finder
Lear Capital
Legal Zoom
Len Tillem 
Les Scwab
National University
NBC Rock Center
O'Donnell Financial Group
Ox Credit
Pacific West Capitol Group
Real Worth Events
Retirement Trader 3 or 9
Schedule Some Help
Sutter Health (East Bay)
Sweet Jack
Tax Resolution Services
Total Transformation

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rush Limbaugh The Day After

Listened to a bit of Rush Limbaugh today to see how he would deal with Romney's loss. "What happened?" seems to be the mantra of the neo-cons today. Rush is clueless. He talked about how the Republicans expanded their base during the Republican Convention by having Marco Rubio, Mia Love, and other token representation front and center. However, America didn't buy that lie; Rush represents the demographic of Republicans, angry white men. Rush talked about the misrepresentation of Romney by attack ads with the GST Steel wife, however, that ad did not come from the Obama campaign and did not air. Rush's criticism about Liberal lies are themselves lies. He talked about how Romney was characterized as a tax evader, a possible felon, however, Romney never did release his tax returns to clear that up. Liberal America was asked to believe in Romney at the same time neo-cons accuse liberals of being naive. Meanwhile, W is the keynote speaker at a Cayman Island tax shelter convention, during the weekend just before the election. Rush's theme during today's talk accused America of "voting for Santa Claus for President". I say, "Better than the Grinch".

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rush Limbough Sponsors 11-06-2012 Election Day

Rush Limbough Sponsors 11-06-2012 Election Day
  Cache Creek
  Dale Carnegie Training
  Farmers Insurance
  National University
 Bay Area News Group
 Business Breakthroughs
 Check Into Cash
 Dr. Panagotacos
 Dun and Bradstreet Credibility
 Financial Safari
 Goldworth Financial
 Hillsdale College
 Home and Loan Finder
 Keep Your California Home
 Lear Capital
 Len Tillem 
 Lenox Financial
 Les Scwab
 O'Donnell Financial Group
 Ox Bonding
 Proficio PMV
 Real Worth Events
 Schedule Some Help
 Tax Resolution Services
 Total Transformation
 United Health Care

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mike Diamond Plumbing

I hear you get banned here on this Mike Diamond Services Facebook page if you mention the name Rush Limbaugh. Probably cause somebody heard Mike Diamond on the Rush Limbaugh radio program. Or maybe it was a radio show that was promoting the Rush Limbaugh show. Or maybe Mike Diamond bought a bulk radio buy that has Rush Limbaugh. And then that somebody reported Mike Diamond to some of those anti Rush Limbaugh web sites. And said that Mike Diamond Services is supporting Rush Limbaugh by having ads about plumbing on the Rush Limbaugh show. And Mike Diamond probably doesn't want a whole lot of people to know that Mike Diamond is advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show. Because there are more people that hate Rush Limbaugh than people that like Rush Limbaugh, especially in Los Angeles. So Mike Diamond wants only those people that like Rush Limbaugh to hear ads about Mike Diamond and plumbing. Mike Diamond does not want people that do not like Rush Limbaugh to know that Mike Diamond supports Rush Limbaugh by having Mike Diamond ads on the Rush Limbaugh show. So that is why Mike Diamond bans people that mention Rush Limbaugh from Mike Diamond's Facebook page. And that is why I promise to post this message about Rush Limbaugh on the web if I get banned from Mike Diamonds Facebook page. Then some people will Google Mike Diamond or Rush Limbaugh. And more people will know that Mike Diamond supports Rush Limbaugh.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rush Limbaugh ads for 25 Oct 2012

Rush Limbaugh ads for 25 Oct 2012

 2016 Obama's America
 Blinds Dot Com
 BMW Bay Area
 Dr. Panagotacos
 Dun and Bradstreet
 Energy is Opportunity
 *Farmers Insurance
 Fight Arthritis Pain .ORG
 Gold Rush Give Away
 Goldworth Financial
 Hillsdale College
 *Income At Home
 Lear Capital
 Legal Zoom
 Lefty O'Douls
 *Mercedes Benz
 *National University
 O'Donnell Financial Group
 Ox Bonding
 Ox Credit
 Pat Vitucchi
 Pinnacle Tax
 Planet Orange
 Prop 30 Yes
 *Repipe Specialists
 Retirement Trader 9
 Scandinavian Designs
 Stock Loss
 Student Remedy
 Student Remedy
 Sweet Jack
 Tax Resolution Services

Saturday, October 13, 2012 and Rush Limbaugh

BlindsDotCom giving a blind eye to Rush Limbaugh ads.

Many Rush Limbaugh sponsors do not want too many people to know they advertise on the sexist, bigoted, hate mongering show, that the Rush Limbaugh represents, from Monday to Friday, 3 hours a day, year after year after year. But you can fight back. Yes, keep your children safe by turning off the radio. Make sure the MP3 player doesn't have an AM/FM receiver. that helps, and if you are a fan of Rush Limbaugh, you don't need to read any further. Just go on.

Now Facebook has many censorship mechanisms. One that is really nasty is that, once you are determined to be an unwanted commentator, your posts are made invisible to the rest of the world, or at least the rest of the wold that are not your Facebook friends, but can be seen by you. Really nasty. You could be typing away, laying out your best arguments at the best time, which is right after the transgression is noted, and have absolutely no idea that you are typing to yourself with no audience. 

If you go to the Facebook do not write "Rush" or "Limbaugh". They have these words automatically screened. Your whole post, that you spent good time on, is never seen. Use some misspelling. Then at least some employee has to make the unconscionable decision to squelch you.

And if you use, please, do ask for the 50% Rush Limbaugh discount. Tell them that the blinds are stained with the memories and association to a ugly fat bigot that you don't want in your house.

The following is a link to the Facebook thread where I was banned:

give them some of your mind, and tell them Knot sent you.

And this is what the discussion looked like before I was banned:

We're bringing you more tips to protect your family for window covering safety month:

Keep all window pull cords and inner lift cords out of the reach of children. Make sure that tasseled pull cords are secured out of reach with a cord cleat, and continuous-loop cords are permanently anchored to the floor or wall. Make sure cord stops are properly installed and adjusted to limit movement of inner lift cords.

You could win a Safer Home makeover with $1500 of cordless window blinds and shades! Enter by 10/15:

Like ·  · Share · October 8
  • 3 people like this.
  • Knot Limbaugh Please help me out by liking or commenting below. It does not seem that this Facebook page gets a lot of traffic but if you happen to see this, please comment or like. I will probably get banned soon. There is already a suppression of information to you from the management over the Ru$h Limbough show which this company has decided to sponsor. I am deliberately misspelling the name because they put a filter on the proper name. If you spell the name correctly, you will be able to see your comment, but no one else will. Sort of insidious, isn't it? I am hoping that if a few people that are real customers like my comment or comment about it then the management will not be so draconian to simply delete. 

    I don't have a lot of interest in blinds but I do think that children should be safe at home and not allowed to listen to hateful speech. Nor should they have examples of $exist remarks about women. Nor underhanded remarks about the president, or how bad the economy is. This is night time or XM show material. Not school hours material. This is not a free speech issue but rather one of appropriateness. Please voice your opinion on this matter. Either here or with any other communications with Blind$ dot com.
    3 hours ago · Unlike · 5
  • Brad Smallridge Yes, Knot, that does seem insidious. I, by the way can see your comment fine. It's typical of the politiKal right these days. L Rashdo talks about freedom but the first amendment only applies when it is in his interest. I agree, not on public airways!
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 3
  • Hank Hill My wife isn't going to be happy about this. Why do they do it? There are so many better options.
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Mickey Gato I don't understand how any respectable product would want to be associated with the lewd and bigotted content of the RLmbaugh program.
  • Your comments on our advertising are all read and passed on to our advertising team ( 

    As we reach out through thousands of advertising channels, any and all feedback is taken into consideration to shape our presence.

    However, our 
    ...See More
  • Knot Limbaugh Your company spends thousands of dollars to sponsor hate speech on public airways that are children listen to and now you are trying to say that I have to go through your private channels so that I can be ignored? I don't think so.
  • Gyawa Miller You are running ads on rush Limbaugh. You know you are because he is reading the ads for you. with the same breath of air, he tells all his listeners about a little girl riding her bike to school, he was upset at her wanting to save the planet, so you know what he did to her? he told everyone on the air what her full name was, the name of the school, then the city state she lived in. wow. that's not the worse thing, but the other stuff he says does not belong in a facebook wall.
  • Knot Limbaugh I see that you made me a ghost. Maybe you would consider reinstating me. It's easy to ban somebody from your own page, but not so easy to ban me from other people's page, including any company that your page likes, or any of your suppliers, or any of your contractors you hire to do your installations. i found people very receptive when I tell them I have been silenced from a page. But, heck, you want everybody to know that you advertise on ru$h Limbough so you must want everybody to know that.